TotemoTech - 2023-08-13


Hello and welcome to today’s news from TotemoTech on August 13th, 2023. In today’s news, we have two significant stories to cover.

First, Olympus, the medical equipment manufacturer, has experienced a significant decline in its profit margin. Despite striving to become a high-profit global leader in the industry, Olympus reported a profit margin of 13.6% for the first quarter of the 2024 fiscal year, falling short of its target of 20% by more than 6 percentage points. This is a considerable drop compared to the 15.5% profit margin in the same period last year.

Moving on to our second story, Honda announced impressive improvements in its four-wheeler business. In the first quarter of the 2023 fiscal year, Honda’s operating profit increased by 77.5% compared to the same period last year, reaching 394.4 billion yen. The company attributed this growth to the increased sales of four-wheelers, particularly in North America. Honda’s focus on expanding its four-wheeler business has paid off, resulting in a record-breaking quarter.

Next, let’s talk about innovation and the use of open-source technology. Meta, a US-based company, has made its AI technology open-source. The CEO of Meta believes that open-source technology fosters innovation. By allowing engineers and users worldwide to utilize and improve the AI technology, its functionality and adoption will accelerate.

Now, let’s shift our attention to the world of data management. Data warehousing, which involves using large-scale databases for analysis and reporting, has traditionally required extensive data integration efforts. However, with the advancement of cloud technology, new architectures such as data lakehouses have emerged. These architectures aim to eliminate the need for data integration, streamlining the process.

Moving on, NTT, a telecommunications company, released its consolidated financial results for the April to June 2023 period. While NTT achieved a 1.4% increase in operating revenue, reaching a record high of 3.11 trillion yen, its operating profit decreased by 5.7% to 474.65 billion yen. The decline in profit can be attributed to NTT’s significant investments in regional communication services.

Let’s now discuss the regional differences in vehicle sales. As the market for electric vehicles (EVs) expands, hybrid vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), and mild hybrid vehicles (MHEVs) have also gained popularity. However, the leading players in each category vary significantly by region. While the trend was previously dominated by EVs, there is now a shift towards HEVs, indicating a potential survival path for traditional combustion engines.

Lastly, let’s talk about the intense competition in the electric vehicle market. With the rise of emission regulations and the carbon-neutral movement, the global EV market continues to grow. Based on each automaker’s electrification strategies, an increase in EV sales is expected in the future. To achieve their sales targets, automakers are racing to secure a stable supply of lithium-ion batteries.

That’s all for today’s news from TotemoTech. Stay tuned for more updates on the latest tech developments. And that’s all for today’s news. Thanks for listening to TotemoTech.

Keywords - japan, tech, news