TotemoTech - 2023-11-24


Hello and welcome to today’s news from TotemoTech on November 24th, 2023. In today’s news, we have some interesting stories from the world of technology.

First up, let’s talk about cameras. Choosing the right camera can be a challenging task, especially for photography enthusiasts. Each person has their own shooting style and specific scenes they want to capture, making it important to find the perfect equipment. This brings us to our first story: ‘α7C II’を買っちゃった話 猫好きカメラマンの習性と“相棒”の選び方. It explores the story of a cat-loving photographer and their experience of purchasing the ‘α7C II’ camera. The article discusses the dilemma of choosing the ideal camera, considering factors like shooting style and preferred scenes.

Moving on to gaming news, Pokémon GO enthusiasts have something to look forward to. An event called ‘浅草イベント’ will be taking place in Asakusa starting from the 25th of November. Already, limited-time PokéStops have been spotted in the area, adding to the excitement. The article titled ‘ポケモンGOで“浅草イベント”25日から 現地では既に限定ポケストップ出現 ギフトも’ provides all the details about this upcoming event and the special features that players can expect.

Now, let’s shift our focus to the world of gaming. Aladdin X, the developer behind the Nintendo Switch game ‘スイカゲーム’, has introduced a new LINE stamp called ‘スイカゲーム’. This stamp set is priced slightly higher than the game itself, but it has already gained popularity. The article titled ‘「スイカゲーム」のLINEスタンプ登場 ゲーム本体よりも10円高い Switchソフトは累計400万ダウンロード突破’ shares the background story of the stamp set’s release and highlights its success with over 4 million downloads.

In the world of virtual YouTubers, a new AI chat software called ‘AIこより’ has been developed by the company Cover. This software allows users to have interactive conversations with the virtual YouTuber ‘博衣こより’. The article titled ‘VTuber「博衣こより」のAIチャット「AIこより」 カバーが開発背景紹介 作ったのは新卒エンジニア’ delves into the development background of this innovative AI chat software and introduces the engineer behind its creation.

Moving on to a unique app, a sexual consent app called ‘キロク’ has transitioned into a web service. Previously known for recording consent during sexual encounters, ‘キロク’ has now launched a test version of its web service on November 22nd. The article titled ‘性的同意アプリ「キロク」はWebサービスに テスト版の提供開始 正式版は12月中旬’ provides an update on this app’s transformation and the availability of its test version.

Lastly, the CTC Technology, a part of the Itochu Group, has announced an educational service focused on learning AI generation. This service aims to teach app development using AI generation techniques. The article titled ‘伊藤忠グループから生成AIを学ぶ教育サービス 1人当たり7万1500円’ reveals the details of this educational program, including the cost per person, which is 71,500 yen.

That’s it for today’s news. Stay tuned for more updates from TotemoTech! Visit for the news, yen exchange rates, and a daily Japanese proverb.

Keywords - japan, tech, news