TotemoTech - 2024-03-31


Hello and welcome to today’s news from TotemoTech on March 31st, 2024. In today’s news, Capcom released the highly anticipated ‘Dragon’s Dogma 2’ on the 22nd. The game, which comes 12 years after the previous installment, has generated a lot of excitement. However, there have also been notable complaints about the game’s inconveniences. What could be the reason behind this? Moving on to our next story, LINE Yahoo! has added a new feature to ‘Yahoo! Maps’ and ‘Yahoo! Search’ that allows users to check the blooming status of cherry blossoms at approximately 1000 locations across Japan. This feature will surely be helpful for those planning hanami (cherry blossom viewing) outings. Now let’s turn our attention to a warning issued by the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE). They have raised concerns about accidents and fires caused by pets and have provided five points to prevent such incidents. It’s important for pet owners to be aware of these safety measures. Shifting gears, let’s talk about business etiquette. There are certain ‘business manners’ that are necessary in the workplace. Among these, young professionals in their 20s often struggle with phone and email etiquette. In this article, we will introduce the proper business manners for phone calls and emails in a work setting. Next up, we have news about the farewell event for the ‘Moving Life-sized Gundam’ in Yokohama. The event, organized by Evolving G, will be streamed live for free on the ‘Gundam Channel’ on YouTube. Fans of the iconic mecha will have the opportunity to bid farewell to this impressive attraction. Now, let’s move on to a new toilet innovation. LIXIL is set to release the ‘SATIS X’ toilet in June, which features automatic cleaning functions and the ability to remove invisible stains. We spoke to a product representative to learn more about the structure and cleaning mechanism of this redesigned toilet. And finally, Sony has announced an update for some of its ‘α’ series mirrorless cameras. The update includes a feature that allows users to verify the authenticity of their photos and videos, as well as utilize depth information. This ‘Authenticity Solution’ will be available for professional use, including media organizations. The ‘α9 III’ model is expected to receive this update in April 2024 or later.

That wraps up today’s news from TotemoTech. Thank you for tuning in! Visit for the news, yen exchange rates, and a daily Japanese proverb.

Keywords - japan, tech, news