TotemoTech - 2024-05-26


Hello and welcome to today’s news from TotemoTech on May 26th, 2024. In today’s news, Ubisoft’s latest game, ‘Assassin’s Creed: Shadows,’ set in Japan, has faced backlash even before its release. The trailer for the game caused a stir both domestically and internationally, leading to a major controversy. Moving on, after 63 years of serving as a popular science education facility, Toshiba announced that it will be closing the Toshiba Future Science Museum on June 29th. The decision to end public access to the museum is due to Toshiba’s shift from business-to-consumer to business-to-business operations. Now, let’s talk about movies. Starting from June 8th, the film ‘Gundam SEED’ will be available for unlimited streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Netflix. Fans of the Gundam series are excited to see the film, which is said to have achieved the highest box office revenue among all Gundam movies. Shifting gears, let’s discuss the potential of injecting AI power into Japanese input methods. The field of Japanese input seems to be lacking sufficient utilization of AI. While there are alternative input conversion engines such as Google Japanese Input and ATOK, they don’t seem to fully benefit from the impressive advancements of AI. Perhaps it’s time to address issues like correct selection of homophones and avoiding misconversion. Now, let’s explore a change in the way we buy home appliances. Panasonic recently launched a service for selling refurbished appliances, including at Panasonic stores. Hitachi GLS has been selling manufacturer-refurbished appliances since 2022, and Yamada Denki, a major electronics retailer, has been offering refurbished products since 2001. The appeal of these products lies in the fact that they come with warranties. Moving on to technology news, Sharp has announced a cross-licensing agreement for wireless technology patents with Xiaomi, and they have also dropped their lawsuits against each other in China. This agreement is the result of friendly negotiations between the two companies. Lastly, let’s talk about a new regulation in Japan. Starting in June, companies are required to include the amount of fixed tax reduction on employee pay slips. However, this has caused dissatisfaction among the accounting departments of many companies. The government’s intention to make the public feel the tax reduction sooner is evident, but for those in charge of administrative tasks, it’s seen as more of a burden than a benefit. Visit for the news, yen exchange rates, and a daily Japanese proverb.

Keywords - japan, tech, news