TotemoTech - 2024-09-06


Hello and welcome to today’s news from TotemoTech on September 6th, 2024. In exciting news from the gaming world, Pokémon GO has introduced the new ‘Dynamax Pokémon’ feature, which began rolling out on September 4th. Players can now obtain ‘Dynamax Wooloo,’ adding a fresh twist to their gameplay experience. This update is expected to enhance the engagement of players as they explore new ways to catch and utilize these powerful Pokémon.

Shifting gears to outer space, researchers from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology announced on September 5th that the water once present on asteroid Ryugu was rich in a substance known as ‘nigari.’ This compound is known for its ability to stabilize and preserve materials, raising intriguing possibilities about the organic compounds found in the samples returned by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. These findings suggest that nigari could have played a role in the formation of life-sustaining materials.

On the renewable energy front, Japanese startup PowerX is developing an innovative ‘electric transport ship’ aimed at enhancing offshore wind power generation. With Japan being surrounded by deep seas, laying power cables on the seabed can be both challenging and costly. This new vessel is designed to facilitate electricity transportation from floating wind turbines, potentially increasing the efficiency and output of offshore wind energy in Japan.

In tech news, I-O Data has announced a price increase for 94 of its PC peripherals, including portable HDDs and USB memory devices, which will take effect from October 1st. This adjustment reflects the current market trends and the rising costs of production.

Meanwhile, NTT Docomo has made strides in sports broadcasting by using AI to generate real-time highlight videos and summaries for the boxing match between Naoya Inoue and TJ Doheny. This technology allows viewers to request specific scenes for highlight generation, creating a more interactive viewing experience.

In another tech advancement, SoftBank has launched a new service that turns smartphones into ‘glasses-free 3D’ devices using a special protective glass and app. Users can now enjoy their photos and videos in three dimensions without needing any special glasses, enhancing the way we consume visual content.

Lastly, the beloved game ‘Minecraft’ is set to be adapted into a live-action film, scheduled for release in 2025. As the game celebrates its 15th anniversary, fans are eagerly anticipating the film, with early trailers suggesting an authentic representation of the Minecraft experience. Visit for the news, yen exchange rates, and a daily Japanese proverb.

Keywords - japan, tech, news